Thursday, January 20, 2011

Taking a Stand

The Germans during Kristallnacht burned down mostly Jew buildings as well as killing them too. I wouldn't participate in Kristallnacht but I dont think I could be able to change anything about it because the Germans were ordered to kill all Jews during that night.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Analyzing visual images

Its a family, they look well and they are all smiling. This picture tells who ever is reading or looking at it that if your healthy your family will be like that.  I think its used more or less for the morale of Germany and how people can have a good time and a peaceful family. This image is intended mostly for the public to keep morale up, I wouldn't say it does a good job of achieving its purpose but it can work because in the picture everyone looks like their happy but it isn't the best colorful or creative picture.


Propaganda is a form of communication that is to try to make people be influenced by it for a cause or position of some sort, like signs. It is used a lot by the Nazis because they want people to join their party and help to their cause to help Germany and get its honor back(abolish the treaty of Versailles), Nazis be in control of Germany 

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Hermann Struts: Where do they stand?

He is a lieutenant in the German army. Is a graduate of the German military academy. He takes pride in the army. Struts is bitter about he has not ben promoted in over 10 years. He argues about the Treaty of Versailles and he thinks it damaged Germany's honor an also his honor. He feels that the civilian government shouldn't have signed the treaty. This explains a lot about how he would probably vote for the Nazi party. He was in the army and was a veteran, he takes honor and pride for himself and Germany and he thinks the Civilian government shouldn't had signed the treaty. Some examples that the Nazi party have that are either similar or exactly correct with his statements are rule 2 the abolition of the Treaty of Versailles which he agrees with. Rule 1 A union off all Germans to form a great Germany on the basis of the right to determinations of peoples. He wants to work together with Germany and make it have its honor again

Monday, January 10, 2011

"Anger and Humiliation" and "The voices in the dark"

Anger and Humiliation
1. Number 4 German blood as a requirement for German citizenship. No Jew can be a member of the nation.
I think this one is unfair do to the fact that Hitler and his Nazi party which was a group of veterans from WW1 are furious with the fact of Germany losing a lot of their rights as well as the surrender which was anger and humiliation. So he grew hatred for other races than Germans because of WW1 and how the other races (the allies) took away rights from Germany. So if my last statement is true then he grew hatred for Jews which started their slaughter in WW2.
2. Number  9 A thorough reconstruction of our national system of education. The science of citizen shall be taught from the beginning . I think this one is unfair because they will teach to the youth about citizenship rather than more important subjects, they can be citizens on their own because they get more mature as they age which is like citizenship. And the would probably teach them how they can spread the word of Germany or be patriots which isn't a bad thing but they could start thinking like Hitler about how Germany lost its rights. In other words they could start a group that would eventually be a group like the Nazi's and possibly start a war just like Hitler did, because of Germany's rights, the "movement".

Voices in the dark

I would because it seems that they mostly dislike Jews more than other races so I would help Henry because he was a veteran and he hated the way the other soldiers treated the Jews with disrespect even though they did nothing wrong. I don't know any one specifically but I know some one that my grandmother knew. During the war Japan invaded the Philippines but my grandmother was living there. She was a child at that time and they had a gardener. But that gardener turned out to be a Japanese spy and since my grandmothers family treated him nice he treated them nice. So the house that that my grandma lived in was a Japanese HQ. The point is that the Japanese spy was nice enough to let my grandma and her family bes safe and unnoticed by the Japanese soldiers instead of them being killed, they just stayed down in the cellar and came out when the Philippines was taken back by the Allies. Point is that the spy could have had them killed like a regular civilians so he stuck his neck out for them which is like Henry in the train.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


There is a Please do not litter sign but there is litter on the ground in the picture bellow it.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas Responding Statement

If you disagree with a rule, law, or public policy, it is better to remain silent than to speak out and risk the punishment. I both agree and disagree with this statement because it depends on the situations. Such as f your against a major government for a good reason such as if they're corrupt then I wouldn't speak out or I could get killed. But I would try to maybe defeat a certain organization some way but unless I have the power to do so. I  wouldn't always obey authority such as robbers they are considered authority because they might use weapons, but I would try to stop them as best I could.