Thursday, January 13, 2011

Hermann Struts: Where do they stand?

He is a lieutenant in the German army. Is a graduate of the German military academy. He takes pride in the army. Struts is bitter about he has not ben promoted in over 10 years. He argues about the Treaty of Versailles and he thinks it damaged Germany's honor an also his honor. He feels that the civilian government shouldn't have signed the treaty. This explains a lot about how he would probably vote for the Nazi party. He was in the army and was a veteran, he takes honor and pride for himself and Germany and he thinks the Civilian government shouldn't had signed the treaty. Some examples that the Nazi party have that are either similar or exactly correct with his statements are rule 2 the abolition of the Treaty of Versailles which he agrees with. Rule 1 A union off all Germans to form a great Germany on the basis of the right to determinations of peoples. He wants to work together with Germany and make it have its honor again

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